February 2025 Newsletter Hello, San Diego Rod and Reel Club
Members – finally, it’s meeting time again!
It seems like so long since our Holiday Party.
It will be great to see everyone again!
I am honored to lead our club in 2025. We’re
planning so many things for our members.
First up is the Bart Hall (Del Mar) Show,
February 13-16. We do need help to man the
booth at the show, besides setting up on the
12th, and packing up on the last day.
Volunteering for a few hours at our booth
comes with a very valuable perk; it gets you
free entry to the show! Please see our VP
Paul Coomes to sign up. (To jump the line
and get your preferred day and time, see his
article for info on signing up, even before our
We have a very popular
speaker for February.
Capt. Fred Huber,
Owner/Operator of the
Daily Double, will be
our guest speaker. He
and Steve Peterson
bought it twenty years
ago. Before that, Fred
worked as a captain for
fourteen years under
owner Ralph Botticelli,
and before that as a deckhand. Fred and Steve
have also owned the Point Loma and the
Mission Belle. Fred has been a mainstay of
our fleet and a fixture at Point Loma
Sportfishing for many years, and I’m sure
any number of us have fished with him. He
has hosted kids’ charters for our club as well.
He’s bringing along a special guest, Capt.
Cameron Cribben, the new owner of the
Mission Belle, who will also be speaking.
Cameron is a familiar face in our fleet, having
worked on the San Diego and the American
Angler. Bring your questions for both of
We will also be speaking about the proposed
changes to spotty bass regulations. It
should be a great meeting, with our everpopular
raffle and clothing items. I’m
looking forward to seeing all of you!

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