Our first 2024 meeting is officially fast approaching
… February 1st! We have my old friend (since high
school!) as our guest speaker, Captain Bob
Woodard Jr. Bob has always been a phenomenal
fisherman, from a dinghy in the bay to his dad’s
sportfisher, then to his own boats, Bob has always
produced solid fish! Big Yellowtail, Tuna, White Sea
Bass, Marlin, etc., even catching a large Swordfish
two years ago while fishing solo! Check out his bio
in this newsletter, and then come to our next meeting
to learn a few things.
Next up we have our first tournament of the year, the
Bay Bass Hold’em Tournament on February 24th!
Thanks to Ron Lee for stepping up to be our
Tournament Director. Ron is an avid fisherman,
taking the Gold at last year’s Big Fish Tournament
with a 32 lb. Yellowtail! Check out the flyer in this
newsletter to read all about our tournament, and then
come to the next meeting to sign up and get your first
2 two playing cards for your chance to win the best
Poker Hand for the tournament. If you have a boat
and have room on it for additional anglers, please let
Ron know so that he can get others who want to fish,
but don’t have the transportation. As always, we
encourage all parties to discuss expectations ahead of
time regarding fuel, washing the boat and how the
winnings look like as a group or as an individual.
Also in this newsletter is a copy of our “2024
Schedule of Events”. Please mark your calendars
accordingly so you don’t miss a beat this year! From
educational meetings and fun tournaments, to
bountiful charters!
Speaking of events, we have the Bart Hall Show
from February 15th to the 18th. Remember, for
sparing some of your time to help us at our booth, you
get Free Entry to the event! So please be sure to sign
up at the meeting, or contact me directly to sign up.
We need at least 2 people for every hour the event is
going on. This way, if one person needs to use the
restroom, we have somebody manning the booth. At
the booth, we have a spinning wheel for prizes ($1
per spin), and we have a custom rod & reel combo
valued at over $1,000 for a $1 price per ticket. So, 2
people at a time can help move the crowd forward.
Last year we raised $3,500 and, as a result, we got to
take a group of kids fishing on the Daily Double! So
please - sign up and help!!

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