February 2020 Newsletter Thanks to inspiration
    from club members, the fishing
    community, and all the cool
    happenings around San Diego,
    our club is going to have a great
    year! Thank you all for your
    great ideas, participation, and
    Tip in the bar, but not in
    our corner  because of our
    special group prices, a tip has
    already been added to your tab.
    We've already scheduled 6 of
    our 10 speakers for the year.
    They're all interesting, and all
    different. On February 6th, it's
    Jeffrey Hughes from H&H
    Marine Services, Boat &
    Engine Maintenance &
    Repair.Bring your questions.
    February and March are
    happening months, and March
    has no meeting, so you have a
    lot to take care of at the
    February meeting, if not before.
    Check the calendar.
    Our Annual Awards Banquet is
    Sunday, Feb. 23rd at 3 PM, at
    Troy's Greek Restaurant at Friars
    Road and Mission Gorge.
    Directions will be sent in Tim's
    emails. Purchase adult tickets
    (only $26!) at the February
    meeting, to save us a lot of
    phone calls. We'll also want a
    head count for kids under age 11,
    but you can pay for them at the
    restaurant. Don't wait until the
    last minute to pay by phone -- the
    restaurant can only add a few
    extra meals after the 13th. RSVP
    to Mary 619-850-9476, or Ellie
    Feb. 1st we help kids fish at the
    Lake Poway Derby -- call Bill,
    619-988-9862. Remember to
    wear your club shirts and name
    badges at all volunteer events, so
    you're not some random adult
    hanging out around kids!
    Because there's no March
    meeting, Bill already has signup
    sheets for Fred Hall Del Mar
    (get in free!) and Day at the
    Bill and Deb start work on the
    new membership directory in
    February, so get renewed. If
    you've been meaning to bring a
    friend, now's a great time.
    Remember that you get extra
    badge raffle tickets for that!
    Second, ads in the directory ($25
    to $100), pay for the printing.
    Who do YOU know who'd
    appreciate some business from
    your fishing friends?
    Pepe has our first tournament
    lined up on March 21st -- the
    Bay Bass Hold Emis a ton
    of fun! Besides tournament and
    sidepot money, there's a special
    prize for the best poker hand!
    You can sign up and pay by 1
    Club Meeting
    February 6th, 2020
    ** At Claim Jumper, La Mesa **
    Guest Speaker: H&H Marine
    6:00 Happy Hour/Dinner
    7:00 Meeting
    phone (619-384-1138) by 8 PM
    on March 20th. But if you want to
    get your first cards dealt to you
    in person, you had better sign up
    at the February meeting!
    Tony wants to clear out the
    2019 Big Fish clothing. All of it
    (except the hats) was donated by
    the embroidery shop, so any offer
    he accepts will be 100% profit
    for the club. Get yourself a great
    We are looking for two
    additional board members.
    Please call if you'd like to know
    more. It's interesting, and we
    promise a light workload and
    plenty of support!

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